Teaching and Learning
Teacher Resources
- OnTrack (site for professional development and personal professional growth plans)
- District Literature List
- State Core Objectives
- Utah State Office of Education
- Assessment in Park City School District
- State Assessment (Opt-Out)
At-Home Learning Resources
Distance Learning
- Utah Education Network
- Utah Online textbooks
- e-Media (digital media on demand)
- Education.com (Grades PK-5)
- Preschool Pioneer
- 12 Famous Virtual Museum Tours
- Scholastic Learn at Home
- LearnZillion
- ChatterPack (free online, boredom-busting ideas)
- At-Home Learning Support from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
- Free industry online virtual chat through April for students and educators (Nepris)
- Student schedules by grades for at-home learning (Khan Academy)
- UNESCO – Educational applications and platforms to help facilitate student learning and provide social caring and interaction during periods of school closure
- A Principal’s Reflection on Distance Learning
- Park City Museum
- PBS Kids
English Language
- EdSitement – Lesson Plans and curricula for all grade levels
- Better-Lesson – Lesson plans across all grades including writing and literature with free resources from world-class teachers
- Google Cultural Institute – Content from over 1000 leading museums and archives
- Library of Congress Teacher Resources – Provides lesson plans, themed resources, primary source sets, presentations and activities, and collection connections
- Vocabulary Spelling City (Free for the remainder of the year due to COVID-19 with code VSCFree90)r
- Childrens Books Read Aloud on YouTube
- Parent’s Guide to Reading and Writing at Home with Your Students
- Arbor Scientific – Video demos and lessons for Physics and Chemistry
- National Science Digital Library – Current emphasis on STEM
- NASA Education – Lesson plans and teaching materials to support STEM
- Bill Nye the Science Guy
Social Studies
- Library of Congress Teacher Resources – Provides lesson plans, themed resources, primary source sets, presentations and activities, and collection connections
- EdSitement – Lesson Plans and curricula for all grade levels
- HippoCampus – Multimedia lessons and course materials for American Gov’t and U.S. History covering middle and high school
- We Are Teachers – “Best Social Studies Websites for Teachers”
- Civics101: A Podcast – A public radio program and podcast produced by New Hampshire Public Radio
- Liberty Kids– American Revolution
- Black Culture Connection – From PBS Learning Media. Special collection of educational resources spotlighting Black artists, educators, and innovators that have shaped our nation
- OER Commons – Freely accessible online library that allows teachers and others to search and discover open educational resources and other freely available instructional materials
- Khan Academy – Online tools in the form of videos and supplementary practice exercises and materials for educators
- CommonLit – Free reading passages and literacy resources
- OpenStax – Partners are offering free access to their online homework and customization tools for instructors that need to move courses online now
- Acheivethecore – Hundreds of materials, including sample lessons in ELA and literacy and math
- Appalachian State University’s list of K-12 Open Education Resources
- Times Education Supplement – Cross-curricular teaching resources covering early years, primary, and secondary grade levels
- The Book Whisperer – Free resources for young readers supplied by the authors, publishers and educator
- Elementary school lessons – San Francisco Unified School District
- Free math activities and games for K-12 students (We Are Teachers)
- Utah Education Network mathematics resources
- Free math activities (Ellevation Education)
- Instruction activities math for English Language Learners
Home School Affidavit
For parents who wish to home school their child, the State of Utah requires the parent to complete and file an affidavit with their local school district stating their intent to home school. Once the affidavit is filed by the parent, the students listed on the affidavit are withdrawn from their public K-12 schools and exempt from Utah’s compulsory education law. Your local school district may have a preferred form for this process, but no specific form is required by state law. While the Utah State Board of Education can provide information regarding state policies, parents have jurisdiction over home school.
Model Form
Utah State Board of Education Model Affidavit and Exemption Certificate for Home School Instruction
Standards Based
As Park City School District transforms schools to meet the needs of the future, it is critical we examine the ways we prepare and engage students. Assessments and grades are two ways we provide feedback on student performance. We believe grades should reflect the proficiency of a student in relation to a specific standard. ”Standards-based learning” is a method of providing feedback that is purely academic in nature and a more accurate reflection of what the student actually knows and can do. The guide below provides parents the rationale to why we are transitioning to standards-based learning in Park City School District.
Parent’s Guide to Standards Based Learning
Guia de clarificación dirigida a los padres Estándares en Base al Aprendizaje
Standards-Based Learning Resources
What You Need to Know About Standards-Based Learning
PCSD Standards-Based Learning Scale
PCSD’s Key Concepts of Standards-Based Learning
The Facts about Standards-Based Learning, Guest Editorial in 3/7/19 Park Record by PCSD Administration
District Moving Forward to Prepare Future Ready Students, District Newsroom NEW
Standards-Based Learning Research
- Harvard’s statement on Accepting Proficiency Based Transcripts NEW
- Why It’s Critical — and Really Hard — to Talk About More Equitable Grading, Joe Feldman, MindShift NEW
- MIT’s statement on Accepting Proficiency Based Transcripts NEW
- Tufts University’s statement on Accepting Proficiency Based Transcripts NEW
- Equity in Grading, Dr. Matt Townsley’s Park City School District Presentation NEW
- Do Your Grading Practices Undermine Equity Initiatives?, Joe Feldman NEW
- What is Standards-Based Grading? Otus.com
- Does standards-based grading provide an accurate picture, Globe Gazette NEW
- A New Take on on Traditional Grading System (Rowland Hall) National Association of Independent Schools NEW
- The Case Against Percentage Grades, by Thomas R. Gustkey, Education Leadership NEW
- Standards-Based Grading & College/University Admissions, Matt Townsley NEW
- Everything You Need to Know About Standards-Based Grading, by Naomi Shak, Edulastic.com
- For college admissions, let’s value grit over GPAs, The Washington Post
- Seven Reasons for Standards-Based Grading by Patricia L. Scriffiny
- A New Model of Student Assessment for the 21st Century American Youth Policy Forum
- Grading to Communicate by Tony Winger
- What is the Difference between Standards-Based Grading (or Reporting) and Competency-Based Education? by Matt Townsley
- Shifting the Grading Mindset Starts With Our Words, by Starr Sackstein, Education Week Teacher
- What Does Research Say about Standards-Based Grading? by Matt Townsley & Tom Buckmiller
- Shifting the Grading Mindset Starts with Our Words, by Starr Sackstein, Education Week Teacher
- Best Practices for Standards-Based Grading, Hanover Research
Utah Core Update
Teachers and administrators in Park City School District are actively working to effectively implement the new Utah Core Standards in mathematics and language arts K-12.
Middle grades teachers (6-9) have been working since 2011 to develop the teaching strategies and learning activities that would meet the rigor and depth of learning with the Core. Student achievement has demonstrated that teaching fewer concepts at a deeper level is deepening student understanding.
Secondary Language arts teachers have been working the last three years to develop critical thinking and the new writing requirements of the Core. This year, they will be joined by science and social studies teachers to develop cross-curricular activities.
The district has adopted new programs for mathematics in grades K-6. My Math (K-5) and Math Connects were selected after a yearlong curriculum review conducted by teachers, administrators, and parents, under the direction of John Hall, assistant principal of Ecker Hill Middle School. Additional information will be provided to parents along with access to online resources.
This year, the new end of year state assessments in math, language arts and science will be implemented. We anticipate having access to sample questions that teachers can use as classroom assessments in October. Upon their release by the State Office of Education, the district will organize several parent information nights to provide additional information.
For more information regarding the Core Standards:
- Student Resources
- Website Resources
- Parent Resources
- College Links
- Career and College Planning
- Internet Safety
- Special Needs/Special Education
- A.I Resorces
Student Resources
- Pioneer
- Pioneer is Utah’s online library featuring general reference information, links to Utah specific resources, and connections to additional library information. If students are logging in from outside of the school, they will need to ask their librarian for the password.
- Surweb
- Surweb is the State of Utah Resource Web. It provides resources including collections of images, online media shows, testing, and learning segments.
- State Funded Utah Education Network
Website Resources
- E-Lab – Activities for 3-8
- Education Place – K-8 resources for teachers, students and parents
- Funbrain – Education site for K-8 kids and teachers
- I Know That – Learning skills for life
- KidsClick – Web search for kids by librarians
- PuzzleMaker – Create customized word search and crossword puzzles
- Scholastic – Games, contests and books
- Science Fairs – Ideas for your science fair project
- Smithsonanian – A place to explore, discover and learn
- Time For Kids – Discover the world
- UEN Student Center – Educational web sites, activities and television programs
- U.S. Department of Education
- USOE Curriculum information
- How to Compile a Bibliography
Parent Resources
College Links
Career and College Planning
- The Career Key: Choosing a Career
- Intended for the use by career planners ranging in age from middle school to adult.
- College Board
- This site serves as one of the major gatekeepers, so it’s important to know what this website has to say.
- FastWeb
- FastWeb focuses on college scholarship information and college/applicant matching.
- O*Net Career Exploration Tools
- The nation’s primary source of occupational information.
- Peterson’s
- One of the premier sources of information about postsecondary education.
- SparkNotes
- SparkNotes is the internet generation’s answer to Cliff’s Notes.
- Vocational Information Center
- An amazing amount of career, vocational, and technical information.